
WeInspire Movement

“Hiking through Unemployment: How Hayley Procacci used hiking to redefine life”

feb 18, 2021, Madison Naves

(read article).

UAB News

“Student director soars with Theatre UAB Productions, KCACTF honors”

december 4, 2018, Shannon Thompson

(read article).

City Pleasures

“…Hayley Procacci’s masterful direction…”

november, 2022. City Pleasures.

(read article).

Chicago Reader

“Under Hayley Procacci’s direction, Wols and Wilde deliver the kind of performances that grab the audience from the get go and never let us go.”

october 27, 2022. Jack Helbig, Chicago Reader.

(read article).

Chicago on Stage

“Much of the play’s success is due to the sensitive and empathetic understanding that director Hayley Procacci…”

october 28, 2022. Karen Topham, Chicago on Stage.

(read article).

Chicago Tribune

“A moving story about unlikely friends”

october 25, 2022. Chicago Tribune.

(read article).